News and updates from the ISA
Welcome to our NEW MEMBERS
sarah2024-09-19T11:40:41+02:00Presenting the NEW ISA MEMBERS of 2024 It is our pleasure to introduce our new Active and Observer Members that recently joined the ISA. We are very excited to welcome these national and local associations on board. NEW Active Members First of our new Active members is the AFS - Association Française de Slackline, bringing together the associations in France and slacklining in all of it's modalities. The second new Active Member is the recently founded Federacion Argentina de Slackline (F.A.S). Their goal is to promote and support the growth of the [...]
CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations
Thomas Buckingham2024-08-18T10:19:18+02:00CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations On April 20th, 2024, there was a mainline and backup failure at Cosumnes River Gorge (CRG), California, United States of America. The failure occurred during a spontaneous tandem session, with the main snapping during a leash fall and the backup failing as it engaged. Both highliners fell but had only minor injuries given the circumstances. Up until now the lifetime recommendations for non-PES (Polyester) and non-PA (Polyamid/Nylon) webbings were summarized as "high-tech/low stretch" webbings in our highline gear standards. Due to the CRG incident the ISA Safety Commission decided [...]
Highline World Championships happening 17.-21. July
Thomas Buckingham2024-07-20T07:47:43+02:00The second Highline World Championships For the second time ever in the sport of slacklining, a World Championship in highlining takes place on July 17.-21., 2024. The event is held in Flims Laax, Switzerland on the summit of Crap Sogn Gion at 2250 m asl. Several ISA officials are active onsite, coordinating with judging, rigging and rescue. 42 athletes; 16 women and 26 men are participating. The athletes compete gender-separated in the discipline of Freestyle and Speed Highline. The event is organised by our active member Swiss Slackline. Infos and Results of the Competitions [...]
NEW UV Tests on Highline Webbing
Thomas Buckingham2024-08-18T10:23:44+02:00Effects of UV on breaking strength of polyamide and polyester highline webbing Members of the ISA Safety Commission have performed comparative two year degradation tests of some commonly used webbing materials used in highlining . These tests were performed at extreme weather conditions in a high alpine environment to evaluate the highline webbing safety standard ISA:41 and to provide further data for evaluating highline webbing lifetime around the globe. The high-altitude Jungfraujoch research station offers a perfect venue for installing an array of frames with different webbing samples for a long-term, combined weathering and solar radiation study. Not [...]
NEW Highline Backup Fall tests
Thomas Buckingham2024-08-18T10:25:12+02:00Highline Backup Fall: Experiment and simulation Members of the ISA Safety Commission have performed highline backup fall experiments and compared results to the simulator that is available on the ISA website. The results were in a range which justifies recommending the usage of the backup fall simulator. We organized a series of experiments to test a range of parameters in a backup fall and compare them to the simulator. We were able to conclude that the simulator is accurate enough to be used as a prediction tool: it generally overestimated peak forces in the system in our experiments, [...]
Speed Highline Winners 2023
Thomas Buckingham2024-02-28T17:54:35+01:00Speed Highline Ranking List Winners 2023 Amidst the dynamic energy of 2023, the speedlining scene witnessed an electrifying surge, with highline festivals worldwide hosting an array of thrilling competitions. At each competition, finalists collect points depending on their ranks and the size of the competition (e.g. Masters, World Cup..), giving them a final score at the end of the year. The yearly winners in our system are defined by the sum of the highest points ranking at the two largest events they participated in 2023. Here are the top three ranking athletes gaining the most points during the last year of [...]
Freestyle Trickline Winners 2023
Thomas Buckingham2024-02-22T20:31:12+01:00Trickline Ranking List Winners Join us as we celebrate the outstanding achievements of the trickline champions of 2023, whose remarkable talents have dazzled audiences and set new standards in the sport. Freestyle Trickline competitions are happening all around the world and finalists collect points depending on their ranks and the size of the competition (e.g. Masters, World Cup..), giving them a final score at the end of the year. The yearly winners in our system are defined by the sum of the highest points ranking at the two largest events they participated in 2023. Here the top three ranking athletes [...]
Freestyle Highline Winners 2023
Thomas Buckingham2024-02-15T10:20:15+01:00Freestyle Highline Ranking List Winners 2023 2023 is over and we have the pleasure to meet the yearly winners in Freestyle Highline. Competitions are happening all around the world and finalists collect points depending on their ranks and the size of the competition (e.g. Masters, World Cup..), giving them a final score at the end of the year. The yearly winners in our system are defined by the sum of the highest points ranking at the two largest events they participated in 2023. Freestyle highlining is growing all around the world and competitions are becoming more and more popular, expecially [...]
Highline World Championships taking place again!
Thomas Buckingham2024-02-09T16:58:37+01:00Highline World Championships happening again! A World Championship is the most prestigious international tournament in every sport. After a very successful first Championship in 2022 the spectacle is happening again from July 10th - 14th 2024, in Laax Switzerland. The purpose of the event is to gather the best highliners from around the world and crown the World Championship Winners (M/F). But we also want to promote our beloved activity to a wider audience and motivate young and upcoming slackline athletes and newcomers with a perspective in pursuing slackline as a high level sport. For the organization of [...]