The ISA certifications have been developed to establish a global standard and seal of quality. This international accreditation helps bring legitimacy to our growing activity, and symbolizes a high level of professionalism for those who wish to share their skills, knowledge, and passion of slacklining in a professional environment.

The ISA is pleased to offer the international slackline community  our Instructor C (basic slacklining) and (Highline) Rigger Certifications. Our Instructor B program –advanced coaching and rigging within different slackline disciplines– is currently under development.

Instructor Certifications

The INSTRUCTOR C certification provides individuals with the knowledge to teach workshops and courses designed to introduce people to the sport of slacklining. After successfully completing the certification, you will be able to organize and conduct your own slackline courses according to ISA standards.

In this certification we will discuss several techniques for teaching slacklining to beginners, as well as how to prepare and manage courses. Participants will learn techniques to efficiently teach basic foundational slacklining skills, injury prevention, basic rigging and technical knowledge, and learn a thorough and successful methodology for teaching beginners. The focus lies on education, not rigging, however participants are expected to have a solid understanding of rigging beginner slacklines safely.

ISA_Instructor C

This is not a cert for beginners. Participants must be able to comfortably walk a 15m slackline and be able to setup small slacklines with a ratchet and an ellington/primitive system including a secure backup.

Certified Instructors
Countries of Origin

The INSTRUCTOR B certification is in development and currently not offered.

It is meant to go one step further in slackline methodology. Aimed at individuals who are teaching slacklining to slackliners intent on furthering their practice the certification focuses on improving technique, learning new skills, and dives deeper into equipment and rigging. 

ISA Instructor B Trickline
ISA_Instructor B - Longline

The Instructor B certification will be for dedicated slackline teachers. Participants must be confident in a variety of slackline types and styles and be able to perform all the basic techniques effortlessly. A general understanding of physiology, pedagogy and physics is helpful. It is not required, but strongly encouraged to already have an Instructor C certificate. (in development – currently not offered)

Rigger Certifications

The ISA RIGGER certification is intended to help festival organisers, local clubs and individual highliners with permissions, insurance, liability and alleviate access issues in general. Certified Riggers are expected to be active members of the slackline community with a strong sense of responsibility and attention to detail. The certification is not a course, but an exam. It consists of three days of testing to guarantee that the participants are capable and reliable riggers.

Participants need to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a variety of different environments and setups. Not only do they need to be able to rig highlines, but also efficiently coordinate their efforts with others, rescue other highliners, adhere to protocols and checklists provided by festival organisers and be able to assess and mitigate risks associated with events, festivals and slackline shows.

ISA_Highline Rigger
Certified Riggers
Countries of Origin

Who’s running the Certifications?

Our Senior Instructors

ISA Senior Instructors are very experienced educators and slackline practitioners  who are trained to organize and run ISA certifications to our high international standard with all the necessary requirements and administration. 

More Info…

 SENIOR Instructor C

ISA_Senior Instructor C

SENIOR Instructor B

ISA_Senior Instructor C

TRAINEE Instructor A

SENIOR Instructor A

ISA_Senior Instructor C

Certifications near you?

See the certificate schedule on the Edu Program page with the ISA Educational Calendar and Program below (with sign up links)

Is your country/community left out?

There are quite a few things to consider when planning an ISA certification.

You’re welcome to help us organize but please make yourself familiar with the requirements first and see if it would be possible to run one near you.