The ISA Education Commission has developed an Instructor program which is structured from basic beginner slacklining to the king discipline of highlining where safety is paramount. Find out how it all works below:
ISA certified Instructor C

Description of Capabilities:
- setting up safe beginner slacklines according to international standards
- giving methodologically sound slackline workshops to novice slackliners
Certification (= cert) awarded after…
- passing a 1 day (~6-8h) Instructor C cert
- getting a higher Instructor cert (Trainee-Instructor A excluded)
- Valid for 3 years.**
Recertification / Extension
- Extended for 3 years either from the date of a passed extension course (C or higher) within a year of expiration date or a newly passed C/B cert or a newly successfully (co-) instructed C, B or Rigger cert
ISA certified SENIOR Instructor C

Description of Capabilities:
- setting up safe beginner slacklines according to international standards
- giving methodologically sound slackline workshops to novice slackliners
- run/organize ISA C certifications with all the requirements and administration
Certification (= cert) awarded after…
- successfully giving an Instructor C or B cert with any Senior-Instructor at least once + the OK of the Senior-Co-Instructor(s) + the OK of the ISA EduCom/Board
- becoming Senior-Instructor A + the OK of the Senior-Co-Instructor(s) + the OK of the ISA EduCom/Board
- Valid for 3 years.**
Recertification / Extension
- Extended for 3 years either from the date of a newly (co-) instructed C or or passed/(co-) instructed B cert or a newly successfully (co-) instructed Rigger cert.
- After expiration, downgraded to Instructor C for 3 years.
ISA certified Instructor B

Under development !
No further certifications have been offered after a first pilot program in 2018, certs now mostly expired.
Currently only awarded to Senior Instructor A’s.
Description of Capabilities:
- slackline gear knowledge
- safe public rigging over ground and water
- risk assessment
- hazard avoidance
- giving methodologically sound slackline workshops to advanced slackliners
Certification (= cert) awarded after…
- passing a 3 day Instructor B certor
- getting a higher Instructor cert (Trainee-Instructor A excluded)
- Valid for 3 years.**
Recertification / Extension
- Extended for 3 years either from the date of a passed 1 day extension course within a year of expiration date or a newly passed or (co-) instructed B cert or a newly successfully (co-) instructed Rigger cert
- After expiration, downgraded to Instructor C for 3 years
ISA certified SENIOR Instructor B

Under development !
No new certs currently awarded.
Description of Capabilities:
- broad slackline gear knowledge
- safe public rigging over ground and water
- risk assessment
- hazard avoidance
- giving methodologically sound slackline workshops to advanced slackliners
- run/organize ISA B/C certifications with all the requirements and administration
Certification (= cert) awarded after…
- successfully giving an Instructor B cert with a Senior- Instructor B or A + the OK of the Senior-Co-Instructor(s) + the OK of the ISA EduCom/Board
- becoming Senior-Instructor A + the OK of the Senior-Co-Instructor(s) + the OK of the ISA EduCom/Board
- Valid for 3 years.**
Recertification / Extension
- Extended for 3 years from the date of the newly successfully (co-) instructed B or Rigger cert.
- After expiration, downgraded to Instructor B for 3 years.
ISA certified TRAINEE Instructor A

Description of Capabilities:
- advanced gear knowledge
- safe public rigging at heights to current ISA standards
- advanced risk assessment
- advanced hazard avoidance
- highline rescue & rescue planning
- environmental preservation
- ability/ personality to teach/observe critically
- organizing the rigging and riggers of gatherings and festivals
- help giving ISA Rigger and B/C certifications together with at least one Senior Instructor of the related cert
Certification (= cert) awarded after…
- successfully helping (co-) instruct a ISA Rigger cert.^ ^ ^Selected are either highline riggers with years of safe community development or stellar riggers at Rigger certs recognized by the ISA EduCom/Board.
- Valid for 3 years.**
Recertification / Extension
- Extended by 3 years for successfully co-instructing a Rigger cert, (lower certs if given also get extended).
- After expiration, downgraded to Rigger for 3 years.
ISA certified SENIOR Instructor A

Description of Capabilities:
- all-round gear knowledge
- safe public rigging at heights to current ISA standards
- advanced risk assessment
- advanced hazard avoidance
- highline rescue & rescue planning
- environmental preservation
- ability/ personality to teach/observe critically
- organizing the rigging and riggers of gatherings and festivals
- run/organize ISA Rigger [and B/C certifications] with all the requirements and administration
Certification (= cert) awarded after…
- successfully co-instructing at least twice at Rigger certs + the OK of Senior-(Co-) Instructor As + the OK of the ISA EduCom/Board[+ (online) meetings with ISA Educom/Board & Senior-Instructor B/C’s concerning the corresponding certification before first instruction of C or B certs]
- Valid for 2 years.**
Recertification / Extension
- Senior-Instructor A cert extended by 2 years, and all Rigger/Instructor certs extended for 3 years from the date of the newly successfully instructed Rigger cert.
- If not extended before expiration, downgraded to Trainee-Instructor A.
* In case of a multi year global pandemic or similar disruptive events the ISA may extend the validity of the certificates for up to 2 years
** Any cert could be revoked immediately:
- when failing to instruct to current standards
- if the ISA EduCom/Board has valid objections to the Instructors or Riggers suitability