
CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations


CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations On April 20th, 2024, there was a mainline and backup failure at Cosumnes River Gorge (CRG), California, United States of America. The failure occurred during a spontaneous tandem session, with the main snapping during a leash fall and the backup failing as it engaged. Both highliners fell but had only minor injuries given the circumstances. Up until now the lifetime recommendations for non-PES (Polyester) and non-PA (Polyamid/Nylon) webbings were summarized as "high-tech/low stretch" webbings in our highline gear standards. Due to the CRG incident the ISA Safety Commission decided [...]

CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations2024-08-18T10:19:18+02:00

NEW UV Tests on Highline Webbing


Effects of UV on breaking strength of polyamide and polyester highline webbing Members of the ISA Safety Commission have performed comparative two year degradation tests of some commonly used webbing materials used in  highlining . These tests were performed at extreme weather conditions in a high alpine environment to evaluate the highline webbing safety standard ISA:41 and to provide further data for evaluating highline webbing lifetime around the globe. The high-altitude Jungfraujoch research station offers a perfect venue for installing an array of frames with different webbing samples for a long-term, combined weathering and solar radiation study. Not [...]

NEW UV Tests on Highline Webbing2024-08-18T10:23:44+02:00

NEW Highline Backup Fall tests


Highline Backup Fall: Experiment and simulation Members of the ISA Safety Commission have performed highline backup fall experiments and compared results to the simulator that is available on the ISA website. The results were in a range which justifies recommending the usage of the backup fall simulator. We organized a series of experiments to test a range of parameters in a backup fall and compare them to the simulator. We were able to conclude that the simulator is accurate enough to be used as a prediction tool: it generally overestimated peak forces in the system in our experiments, [...]

NEW Highline Backup Fall tests2024-08-18T10:25:12+02:00

Highline System Standard updated!


Update of the Highline System Standard ISA:21 After publishing the first ISA Highline System Standard we recieved feedback from our Slackline Safety Partners, Members of the UIAA Safecom and independant third parties. All their feedback has been reviewed and incorporated into the new version of the standard. Summarzing, the most important points: Enables Highline Systems that fulfill this standard to be used in workplace situations if maintenance checklists are utilized. These workplace situations may include, but are not limited to: shows, courses, competitions and festivals, etc. Expanding the scope of the standard, allowing the use of [...]

Highline System Standard updated!2023-05-22T15:20:09+02:00

Backup fall simulator


New Backup Fall Simulator released! We created a model which will tell you all the relevant forces and heights in a defined highline system: Choose your webbings Customize your setup Rig it to your spot and desired tension Choose the position of the slackliner, and even the bounce size! Be aware, this is a beta version, it requires refinement! We are also looking for a frontend developer to make it look nicer. Try the Backup Fall simulator yourself Why would you need it? This model is not going to help you rig well, it will [...]

Backup fall simulator2023-04-18T11:11:02+02:00

Look at old Fail Friday Posts


All the Fail Friday posts in a single place! By sharing a story where something went wrong, we can learn from other people's mistakes, avoid common mistakes and encourage best practice. All fail fridays are now available on a single page on the ISA website. If you want to share your story of incident, near miss or injury, here is the SAIR form. If you think others can learn from it, we could share it as a Fail Friday All fail Fridays

Look at old Fail Friday Posts2023-01-22T22:55:16+01:00

Switzerland is the first country to recognise slacklining as a sport


Switzerland is the first country to recognise slacklining as a sport Nine years after the founding of the national federation of Switzerland, Swiss Slackline was elected by the Swiss Sports Parliament as a new member of Swiss Olympic. This national recognition of the sport of slacklining as part of the sports family is unique worldwide and will significantly shape various aspects of the young sport in the future - away from the trend sport image, to an official sport. The young sport of slacklining in Switzerland is structured in more than 20 regional [...]

Switzerland is the first country to recognise slacklining as a sport2022-12-14T20:12:18+01:00

NEW ISA Account System for Certificate Recipients


NEW ISA Account System for Certificate Recipients We have launched a new ISA Account System which currently allows downloading PDF certificates ISA Account System - Signup The certificates are issued for: Succesfull course and test participants - Instructors - Riggers Athletes: - Athletic Awards (Contest Winners, Master size competition and larger) - Athlete Certificates of Excellence (Yearly Winners on - World Records Holders Event Organizers: - Contest Organizers (Master size competition and larger) Member Federations and Clubs: -  Membership Certificates Manufacturers: - Approved Gear (Safety Labels) - more to come Create your profile now: ISA Account [...]

NEW ISA Account System for Certificate Recipients2022-10-25T17:14:12+02:00

Contact Info

International Slackline Association
c/o Swiss Alpine-Club SAC
Postfach / Monbijoustrasse 61
3000 Bern 14, Switzerland
[email protected]



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