Sport Commission President
I am Isidro Mateo Rodríguez Cuadra, 28 years old professional slackliner and psychologist, I come from Chile in south America, a very thin and large country (very similar to a line) that has all the conditions for practicing slacklining in all its varieties.
When I started Slacklining at 2010, it was not common to think about yourself as an equilibrist, and it was less common to do it in parks using public spaces for doing it, in deed it was really peculiar for the eyes of the people that walked around the park, and maybe that’s why they got so curious about it. This curiosity helped the growth of our slackliners herd, becoming from just a small and informal group of people to an official sport club named Sport, Social and Cultural Club Libera tu Mono (release your monkey) on 2012, then in 2014 we started with other clubs the National Slackline Federation (FESLACH) from which I become president.
During all these years the question about how does the balance of body and mind gets developed, promoted the creation of different projects, some of them related with university research in many knowledge fields, some other related with the creation of an educational model of slackline, after that the creation of public spaces specified for slackline – Slackparks-, and of course the organization of several public events related with competitive and non-competitive participation.
On 2017 we organized with the Chilean Federation the Slackline World Cup in Chile, with 155 competitors from 13 countries, during 5 days of realization, this included several discipline as trickline (amateur, expert, world class), Longline freestyle, blind line, Speedline, team trickline transfer, and Highline. And for this we got the support of the International Slackline Association – ISA- After this the ISA invited our federation to be the first south american members, and in 24 of august of 2017 the general assembly of ISA elected me as the President of the recently created “Sport Commission”, since then I have been working with and international and diverse group for developing our goals. Promoting the expansion and development of the Slackline Sport World Wide.
“With humor and patience we will change the course of history” (Parra, 1970)