The International Slackline Magazine is Coming!
The first issue of Balance, the international slackline magazine born from the mind, and pen, of Annalisa Casiraghi, has just been published. “I always liked the idea of being able to create something artistic related to the slackline world” she tells us. “By artistic I mean everything that involves creativity.
It wasn’t clear to me what, but I liked the idea of being able to create a project that would bring together the creative talents of the people who live around the world and give life to a shared project where the participants become protagonists in the process by contributing with their stories.”
The Birth of the Magazine
The idea of the magazine was born during the pandemic, where we felt the need for an abstract aggregation tool, which would unite us even when we were forced to stay at home.
And so, together with Lorenzo and Sirio, the project began to take shape: “We started out like that, in a bit of a hurry, unaware of all the hiccups that might have occurred along the way. Three friends with a clear idea in their heads, but still little knowledge in the field.”
After more than a year of work and many problems, the magazine is finally officially available, with a special 120-page issue of stories from around the world, tips and trivia.
Inside we talk about slackline and art, adventures, social commitment and nerd topics. We discover communities around the world, spots, tricks, records and people. And of course there is no shortage of illustrations, comics and photographs.

The Ideas
The idea is to create a magazine that embraces all slackline genres and thus unite slackliners from all over the world.
“We have a lot of ideas for the future, new stories to include and maybe make some podcasts. We dream that one day it will be on sale in some newsstands, you can find it at the anchors of some homespots and it can be a place of dialogue on a global level,” continues Annalisa. “Right now, however, we have to keep our feet on the ground, we are only volunteers working for the magazine and as a priority we have to make the quarterly with the best quality content.
How to Subscribe
To get started we need everyone’s help: there is a launch offer available, called Early Bird, which includes the special issue (the Prologue) and the entire subscription for the coming year (3 magazines for 2023).
By subscribing you will physically contribute to the start of this new project. You can find all the info on the magazine’s website:
If you would also like to make an even bigger contribution and become a supporter, a crowdfunding fundraiser is also available where anyone can donate as much as they like.
Before saying goodbye, don’t forget to follow Balance on social channels and to share this article!
Thanks for your support, see you in the air!
The Balance team