
CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations


CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations On April 20th, 2024, there was a mainline and backup failure at Cosumnes River Gorge (CRG), California, United States of America. The failure occurred during a spontaneous tandem session, with the main snapping during a leash fall and the backup failing as it engaged. Both highliners fell but had only minor injuries given the circumstances. Up until now the lifetime recommendations for non-PES (Polyester) and non-PA (Polyamid/Nylon) webbings were summarized as "high-tech/low stretch" webbings in our highline gear standards. Due to the CRG incident the ISA Safety Commission decided [...]

CRG Highline incident and consequences on webbing lifetime recommendations2024-08-18T10:19:18+02:00

NEW UV Tests on Highline Webbing


Effects of UV on breaking strength of polyamide and polyester highline webbing Members of the ISA Safety Commission have performed comparative two year degradation tests of some commonly used webbing materials used in  highlining . These tests were performed at extreme weather conditions in a high alpine environment to evaluate the highline webbing safety standard ISA:41 and to provide further data for evaluating highline webbing lifetime around the globe. The high-altitude Jungfraujoch research station offers a perfect venue for installing an array of frames with different webbing samples for a long-term, combined weathering and solar radiation study. Not [...]

NEW UV Tests on Highline Webbing2024-08-18T10:23:44+02:00

Cyclic Loading Weblocks #2


Second comparative weblock cyclic loading tests We tested different webbing lockers to gain insight into fatigue behaviour of weblocks and evaluate the weblock safety standard ISA:51. The ISA Safety Commission did this extensive work in collaboration with the University of Lucerne, department of Engineering and Architecture. The second set of cyclic loading tests have finished and you can find the results in our publication here! Weblock design and material choice have been the focus of many discussions in the slackline community and these tests can finally shine a little more light onto this topic. It appears that most weblocks are [...]

Cyclic Loading Weblocks #22021-07-08T08:13:53+02:00

Cyclic Loading Weblocks


First comparative weblock cyclic loading tests We tested different webbing lockers to gain insight into fatigue behaviour of weblocks and evaluate the weblock safety standard ISA:51. The ISA Safety Commission did this extensive work in collaboration with the University of Nottingham department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Cyclic Loading Publication (PDF) #1 Cyclic Loading Publication (PDF) #2 Statement by Slackinov ISA Gear Warnings In partnership with: ISA Safety Partners ISA Safety Label

Cyclic Loading Weblocks2021-07-05T14:21:37+02:00

Contact Info

International Slackline Association
c/o Swiss Alpine-Club SAC
Postfach / Monbijoustrasse 61
3000 Bern 14, Switzerland
[email protected]



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