
Welcome to our NEW MEMBERS


Presenting the NEW ISA MEMBERS of 2024 It is our pleasure to introduce our new Active and Observer Members that recently joined the ISA. We are very excited to welcome these national and local associations on board.  NEW Active Members First of our new Active members is the AFS - Association Française de Slackline, bringing together the associations in France and slacklining in all of it's modalities. The second new Active Member is the recently founded Federacion Argentina de Slackline (F.A.S). Their goal is to promote and support the growth of the [...]

Welcome to our NEW MEMBERS2024-09-19T11:40:41+02:00

Welcome to our NEW MEMBERS


Presenting the NEW ISA MEMBERS It is our pleasure to introduce our new Associate and Observer members that recently joined the ISA. We are very excited to welcome these local associations on board.  NEW Associate Members First of our new Associate members is SlackAlien, a highline community from Slovenia full of young enthusiasts who share the stoke for slacklining in this beautiful country that shares both a bit of Alpine and Balkan atmosphere. Next Associate Member is the Firmament Fundation from Poland, the group which is behind the globally famous Urban Highline Festival [...]

Welcome to our NEW MEMBERS2023-10-06T17:20:27+02:00



NEW YEARS SERIES Short Educational Videos We would like to start the year with a series of short video clips brought to you by the ISA, Swiss Slackline and the volunteers helping onsite. Filmed at the Transalp Waterline Tour in Flims, Graubünden, Switzerland. Festival and short films organized by Thomas Buckingham. Thanks to Cara Urban for filming and editing them. Support the ISA on the following plattforms: BECOME AN ISA PATREON DONATE VIA PAYPAL SUBSCRIBE FOLLOW US [...]

NEW YEARS VIDEO SERIES2023-01-14T16:40:04+01:00

Webbing lifetime and freestyle highline warnings


Webbing lifetime and freestyle highline warnings With the popularity of highline freestyle rising in today’s highlining world, permanently rigged lines (or perma-rigs) are becoming the norm rather than the exception. This intensive use and long exposure of the webbing can lead to critical weakening and failure. In these publications, we adress the main factors we are aware of, abrasion and UV degradation. We also give some recommendations on what to do to avoid critical failure, the first of which is always to rig redundantly. We are constantly updating the ISA 41 Highline Webbing standard to be consistent to [...]

Webbing lifetime and freestyle highline warnings2024-08-18T10:41:55+02:00

Language Update: Nouvelles publications en Français


Language Update: Nouvelles publications en Français L'ISA organise et coordonne régulièrement des tests de matériel et techniques de slackline. Nous cherchons à mieux définir nos standards de sécurité, et à promouvoir de meilleurs techniques d'installation et d'utilisation. Ces tests donnent lieu à des publications pour donner accès aux informations au plus grand nombre. Deux de ces publication ont récemment été traduite en Français.  La première concerne des tests de charges cycliques de bloqueurs de sangle. En slackline, le matériel est soumis à des charges changeantes. Le tests de ruptures en une traction pure ne sont pas toujours une [...]

Language Update: Nouvelles publications en Français2022-03-07T18:08:54+01:00

ISA Active Member: Slackline Slovakia


Presenting ISA Interim Active Member: Slackline Slovakia Slackline Slovakia is a newly created association founded in October 2021 based on a Facebook group (Community) that existed for 10 years. One special thing Slackline Slovakia offers to their members is insurance. Members with a full membership automatically get enrolled in an "Extreme Sports and Alpine" insurance program that covers mountain rescue and so on. A word from their president: "We are the representative body for Slacklining in Slovakia, committed to providing support and developing the slackline community. We aim to protect land access rights for all forms [...]

ISA Active Member: Slackline Slovakia2021-12-07T10:42:27+01:00

Cyclic Loading Weblocks #2


Second comparative weblock cyclic loading tests We tested different webbing lockers to gain insight into fatigue behaviour of weblocks and evaluate the weblock safety standard ISA:51. The ISA Safety Commission did this extensive work in collaboration with the University of Lucerne, department of Engineering and Architecture. The second set of cyclic loading tests have finished and you can find the results in our publication here! Weblock design and material choice have been the focus of many discussions in the slackline community and these tests can finally shine a little more light onto this topic. It appears that most weblocks are [...]

Cyclic Loading Weblocks #22021-07-08T08:13:53+02:00

ISA Demographics Survey 2021


GOT SOME TIME TO SPARE ??? Bad weather or Covid19 restrictions are keeping you from slacklining ?? Wanna do something slackline related that helps us? JOIN THE NEW ISA Demographics Survey 2021 ISA Demographics Survey The Demographics Survey is available in English/Spanish/French/Portuguese/Polish/German and it should take you between 30-60 minutes to participate. Sit down with enough time, motivation, good internet, and battery for a satisfying experience. You can also skip the questions which don't apply to you, no need to answer every single question. We will raffle a TTTM hammock which you could win if you [...]

ISA Demographics Survey 20212021-05-24T16:05:35+02:00

ISA Active Member: UK Slackline Club


Presenting ISA Active Member: UK Slackline Club In many places around the United Kingdom big communities are slacklining in parks and many highline spots have been opened. Founded in summer 2020 the UK Slackline Club is a new start to represent and promote the sport of slacklining in all forms around the county. Their democratic association follows the structure of Sports England to get slacklining recognized as a sport in the UK, to get access to training spots, and some sports funding in the future. Recently the UKSC acquired insurance to help gain access to training spots for their [...]

ISA Active Member: UK Slackline Club2021-05-11T18:57:19+02:00

Contact Info

International Slackline Association
c/o Swiss Alpine-Club SAC
Postfach / Monbijoustrasse 61
3000 Bern 14, Switzerland
[email protected]



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