
Highline System Standard updated!


Update of the Highline System Standard ISA:21 After publishing the first ISA Highline System Standard we recieved feedback from our Slackline Safety Partners, Members of the UIAA Safecom and independant third parties. All their feedback has been reviewed and incorporated into the new version of the standard. Summarzing, the most important points: Enables Highline Systems that fulfill this standard to be used in workplace situations if maintenance checklists are utilized. These workplace situations may include, but are not limited to: shows, courses, competitions and festivals, etc. Expanding the scope of the standard, allowing the use of [...]

Highline System Standard updated!2023-05-22T15:20:09+02:00

Look at old Fail Friday Posts


All the Fail Friday posts in a single place! By sharing a story where something went wrong, we can learn from other people's mistakes, avoid common mistakes and encourage best practice. All fail fridays are now available on a single page on the ISA website. If you want to share your story of incident, near miss or injury, here is the SAIR form. If you think others can learn from it, we could share it as a Fail Friday All fail Fridays

Look at old Fail Friday Posts2023-01-22T22:55:16+01:00

Balance: the Slackline Magazine


The International Slackline Magazine is Coming! The first issue of Balance, the international slackline magazine born from the mind, and pen, of Annalisa Casiraghi, has just been published. "I always liked the idea of being able to create something artistic related to the slackline world" she tells us. "By artistic I mean everything that involves creativity.  It wasn't clear to me what, but I liked the idea of being able to create a project that would bring together the creative talents of the people who live around the world and give life to a shared project [...]

Balance: the Slackline Magazine2022-12-19T16:35:33+01:00

Ananatopisme 2710m


A highline world record From the July 30th to August 14th, Arthur Lefebvre gathered a group of friends to make an attempt at the highline world record, set previously at 2240 meters.  The world record was broken not only by one person, but by 8 people, 2 women and 6 men. Check out some of the details behind the sucess of this project here. A report by Augustin Moinat The Project The man behind the project, Arthur, wanted a project made with friends, by friends. He managed to [...]

Ananatopisme 2710m2022-08-24T17:29:27+02:00

Cyclic Loading Weblocks #2


Second comparative weblock cyclic loading tests We tested different webbing lockers to gain insight into fatigue behaviour of weblocks and evaluate the weblock safety standard ISA:51. The ISA Safety Commission did this extensive work in collaboration with the University of Lucerne, department of Engineering and Architecture. The second set of cyclic loading tests have finished and you can find the results in our publication here! Weblock design and material choice have been the focus of many discussions in the slackline community and these tests can finally shine a little more light onto this topic. It appears that most weblocks are [...]

Cyclic Loading Weblocks #22021-07-08T08:13:53+02:00

ISA Gear Warnings and Recalls Database


ISA Gear Warnings and Manufacturer Recalls The ISA Safety Commission has created a database of gear warnings, notices, and recalls. The goal is to help communicate important information about the gear slackliners trust their lives on. This list aims to give the community a full overview of notices, warnings and recalls across all slackline brands. ISA Gear Warnings and Recalls Database

ISA Gear Warnings and Recalls Database2021-03-30T09:40:37+02:00

Cyclic Loading Weblocks


First comparative weblock cyclic loading tests We tested different webbing lockers to gain insight into fatigue behaviour of weblocks and evaluate the weblock safety standard ISA:51. The ISA Safety Commission did this extensive work in collaboration with the University of Nottingham department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Cyclic Loading Publication (PDF) #1 Cyclic Loading Publication (PDF) #2 Statement by Slackinov ISA Gear Warnings In partnership with: ISA Safety Partners ISA Safety Label

Cyclic Loading Weblocks2021-07-05T14:21:37+02:00

New Membership: ISA joins ICAR – the International Commission for Alpine Rescue


We are proud to announce that we are a new member of ICAR - the International Commission for Alpine Rescue. ICAR is made up of hundreds of rescue organizations and specialists from dozens of countries all over the world who meet every year to share the latest knowledge and technologies of mountain rescue.   Our ISA safety and education commission will work with ICAR and its technical commissions - are you interested to join this work, sign up here:  Join ISA Safety or Education Commissions Learn more about ICAR: ICAR Website ICAR Mission [...]

New Membership: ISA joins ICAR – the International Commission for Alpine Rescue2021-03-11T13:18:40+01:00

Safe slackline backups – experiments and recommendations


What is a safe slackline backup? Use either static or dynamic rope, connected with knots to back up metal parts. Do not use ropes with diameter smaller than 9 mm. Webbing can only be used for lines shorter than 50m and well below 5kN base tension. BEWARE: forces can go above >20kN! In light of the recent fatal accident in Russia, many in the slackline community have questioned the reliability of their tiebacks and backups - especially for longer lines with high tensions. In order to shed some light on the situation, the ISA has performed 58 tests [...]

Safe slackline backups – experiments and recommendations2022-07-06T11:58:18+02:00

Webbing slippage warning in Weblocks


Webbing slippage warning in Weblocks. We have identified the mechanism responsible for webbing slippage in webbing lockers (weblocks). During a test on a hydraulic cyclic testing machine, we found webbing to move through the weblock with every stretch and release cycle. We observed this micro-slippage of the webbing within the weblock. The webbing was installed in single wrap without a tie-off so we could witness webbing slippage, webbing tailwalk, and a complete failure of the webbing locking mechanism first hand. Read Full Report - Webbing slippage warning in weblocks [...]

Webbing slippage warning in Weblocks2023-04-16T16:48:21+02:00
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