Freestyle Highline Ranking List Winners 2022
2022 is over and we have the pleasure to meet the yearly winners in Freestyle Highline. Competitions are happening all around the world and finalists collect points depending on their ranks and the size of the competition (e.g. Masters, World Cup..), giving them a final score at the end of the year.
The yearly winners in our system are defined by the sum of the highest points ranking at the two largest events they participated in 2022.
Freestyle highlining is growing all around the world and competitions are becoming more and more popular, expecially in Europe. Here’s the top three ranking athletes gaining the most points during the last year of competition in the female and male categories. Let’s meet them!
Author: Sirio Izzo
Salomè Cholet
Let’s meet Salomè, third place in the ranking 2022:
- Name: Salomè Cholet
- Age: 23 years old
- Nationality: French
Salomé is part of the Bounce Kult crew and she’s sponsored by Slacktivity Slacklines. In the last year, she trained 4-5 times a week (!!). When we asked about the competitions last year, she told us that “…the second one at my own festival was also very intense for me because I was the main organizer and competitor and I think I will always remember the moment inside the cave for the final, when 250 people, highliners and non-highliners were there just to see us ! The third one I wanna talk about was the World Championship. Everything was crazy there, the livestream, the level, being with all these amazing people, the best moment of that comp for me was the semi-final ! The pressure killed me and I failed my final run haha.”
About the upcoming 2023? “I hope it will be full of freestyle and maybe more workshops than competitions, at least I hope so! I just love so much exploring and the competitions are more about training, not so much what I like in the end”
Thanks Salomé!
Louise Lenoble
On the second place, we have Louise!
- Name: Louise Lenoble
- Age: 30 years old
- Nationality: French
Louise started freestyling back in 2017. “I am lucky to have witness the evolution of freestyle almost since the beginning“, she told us.
She is part of Bounce Kult team and a Slacktivity athlete, but also a Houle Douce performer (their highline circus performances are amazing!). “I improved my freestyle skills mostly between 2018 and 2021. The last year I have been focusing mainly on shows and performances for the public, in which I sometimes include freestyle tricks. My showlines are mostly under 30 meters, so it is way smaller than the regular 70 meters length where we practice freestyle on as a sport today ! It is really fun to adapt the tricks to shorter lines and include them in a show to create art with the highline!”
Congratulation Louise! Nice job!
Carmen Shillingman
And the winner in 2022 is Carmen!
- Name: Carmen Schillingmann
- Age: 27 years old
- Nationality: German
Carmen started highlining and freestyling during the pandemic and quickly became one of the strongest highline freestylers in the world. She’s now part of the Bounce Kult freestyle crew and also sponsored by Slacktivity slacklines. Last year she competed at the Winter Festislack and at the Laax world championship, and she also won the Pandemic World Cup. Congratulation Carmen to be able to get to the top in the ranking list in such a short time!
Find Carmen on:
Carmen’s ISA Profile:
Congratulations everyone! Hope you all the best for 2023!
Let’s move on to the male category, we have some well known names in the top 3!
Tim Odermatt
Let’s start from the third place, we have Tim!
- Name: Tim Odermatt
- Age: 23 years old
- Nationality: Swiss
Tim started slacklining in 2018 and, he told us, “…I was fascinated by highline freestyle since the beginning, but really started to focus on it after the first Pandemic Open two years ago. Since then i joined the BounceKult and Slacktivity team and made freestyle an important part of my life.”
in 2022 he took part to the CCHF championship and the Pandemic Open, and …the Pandemic Invitational was my favorite competition so far, as it made me get out of my comfort zone and try some tricks that i would’ve never tried without it. It was amazing to train together with Deb Casimiro and Sam Volery and push each other to land their tricks and combos!”
and about the next year? “I hope there will be another edition of the Pandemic Invitational, that makes me learn new tricks and push myself to land hard combos!”
Allez Tim!
Davis Hermes
On the second place we have Davis, from US!
- Name: Davis Hermes
- Age: 23 years old
- Nationality: American
Davis usually trains 6 days a week (!!) in the summer, that’s an intensiv way to train! Last year he joined the Laax World Championship and CCHF. He’s sponsored by Slackhouse and he’s part of the Trickline Collective freestyle team. Project for 2023? “This coming year has a lot of stuff up in the air so I’ll wait and see what’s in store. I do know that whatever it is it will be slacklife focused. I hope to make some unique projects happen this year”.
Can’t wait to see what’s in the store!
Find Davis on:
Davis’ ISA Profile:
David Palomo
And the winner, in male category, for 2022, is Sakalomo!
- Name: David Palomo
- Age: 25 years old
- Nationality: Spanish
Also known as Sakalomo, David started slacklining 4 year ago and, he said “…each year is becoming more and more serious.” He lives in Canary Island, “Slackline Canarias is the association which promotes highlining on the island and that helped me provide one of the best training camps ever.”
“It’s crazy how time flies and things that used to be impossible now are the everyday routine. (…) the Highline Freestyle world has developed so much during this year that in each competition the level has been raised.”
Projects for the future?
“I hope next year the level keeps rising and we get to see this beautiful sport develop and taken to its maximum potential.
There is still a lot of work to be done and it’s up to all of us to make this sport grow so let’s do it together! You can start by bouncing and the rest will come 🙂”
Thank you David for the effort you put into the freestyle highline world. Enjoy the next year and keep it up!