The second ISA Safety Event is being held in Moléson, Switzerland this week. Follow along with our live feeds on the ISA Facebook Page. On this post, you’ll also find summaries of each talk, links to presentation slides, and other resources. Talks are given by individuals and do not necessarily represent the views or recommendations of the International Slackline Association.

Monday – September 10, 2018

Welcome and Introduction to the Safety Commission

DESCRIPTION: Welcome speech and overview of the Safety Commission
SPEAKER: Stephen Cave
SLIDES: Welcome to Moleson.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


ISA General Presentation

DESCRIPTION: General overview of the inner workings of the ISA
SPEAKER: Thomas Buckingham, president of the ISA
SLIDES: ISA General Presentation
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


SAIR Updates from Last Year

DESCRIPTION: Updates and trends from the Slackline Accident and Incident From reports
SPEAKER: Antonin Levy, Manuel Brossard
SLIDES: SAIR Updates from Last Year.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


Challenges for the Global Slackline Community

DESCRIPTION: Demographic data and what the community needs to thrive
SPEAKER: Thomas Buckingham, president of the ISA
SLIDES: No longer available
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


ISA Safety Label – Weblock Standard

DESCRIPTION: The work the Safety Commission has been doing on gear labels
SPEAKER: Joshua Leupolz, Oliver Ross
SLIDES: ISA Safety Label – Weblock Standard Presentation.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


ISA Safety Label – Webbing Standard

DESCRIPTION: The work the Safety Commission has been doing on gear labels
SPEAKER: Stephen Cave
SLIDES: ISA Safety Label – Webbing Standard Presentation.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


Tuesday – September 11, 2018

Spacenets and Hammocks

DESCRIPTION: Rigging systems for multiple users
SPEAKER: Stephen Cave
SLIDES: Spacenets and Hammocks.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


Webbing Specifications

DESCRIPTION: Pre-Safety Label Webbing standards
SPEAKER: Jerry Miszewski
SLIDES: Webbing Specification.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


Conflict of Interest in the ISA Safety Commission

DESCRIPTION: Describing the process to avoid conflicts of interest with manufacturers
SPEAKER: Oliver Ross
SLIDES: Conflict of Interest Presentation.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


Dyneema Safety in Slacklining

DESCRIPTION: In-depth overview of dyneema and its applications.
SPEAKER: Stephan Chalkowski
SLIDES: Dyneema presentation.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


What Should be Backed Up?

DESCRIPTION: Discussion on what needs to be backed up in a tricklines
SPEAKER: Laurent
SLIDES: coming soon
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


Wooden Polesystems for Trick- and Longlines

DESCRIPTION: Presentation around the development of wooden pole systems
SPEAKER: Florian Zoller
SLIDES: Wooden Polesystems.pdf
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook


The ISA Difficulty Scale for Longlines and Highlines

DESCRIPTION: Proposal for a difficulty scale that goes beyond length
SPEAKER: Joshua Leupolz
SLIDES: none
LIVE VIDEO: Facebook