Ranking List Statistics

More than 300 athletes registered for the ranking list, 84% are male (16% female)  with an average age of 24. About 55% of you are Trickliners, 30% are Speedliners and 15% are Highline Freestylers.

60% are a member of a slackline sport club, about 40% of you are already a part of the ISA through indirect membership (explanation: people cannot become a member of ISA as individuals, the ISA only has clubs and organizations as direct members).

Only a minority, about 15% of all Slackliners see competitions as an important aspect of slacklining, about 25% are neutral and another 60% actually disagree or strongly disagree with that statement (data from our demographic survey). 

In 2018 there were 74 competitions in 9 disciplines registered from 19 countries on 3 continents with our system.